Faculty Mixer Series

Faculty Mixer Series

Real talk about teaching highs and lows. An informal gathering to share success stories, challenges, advice, and resources to uplift spirits and reignite our passion for teaching. (Based on Red Rocks Great Teaching Retreat.)

The library will provide “mixers” of Lacroix & fruit juice on the rocks.

Hosts: Paula Crossman & Jessica Parsons

Location: Library Classroom

Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Ground rules:

  • Focus on collegiality and on problems we can solve
  • No prepared presentations: These are informal, conversational mixers 
  • Notice if you speak more than listen and make space for other voices
  • Come with a positive attitude and a desire to collaborate

Faculty Mixer Schedule

Click on the calendar links below and add yourself as a guest.

Unresolved Teaching Problems
Bring a brief description (one paragraph) of a persistent problem or challenge in teaching you have not yet resolved and that you would like to discuss to explore possible solutions.

Tuesday, 10/17
Wednesday: 10/18

Quick Tips
Bring a brief description of an object lesson, a device or app you use, a motivational activity, or some simple "trick of the trade" that works with your students (different from your success story). It doesn't have to move mountains; just be effective for you and your students. 

Tuesday: 11/14
Wednesday: 11/15

Recommend an influential book, journal article, or even a quotation from a great thinker who has helped you in your work as a teacher.

Tuesday: 12/12
Wednesday: 12/13