Tampon Tax Drive

Tampon Tax Drive

(T2 - Tampon Tax) Drive

Donations boxes located around campus or donate in the A Bldg.

This MONTH LONG drive aligns with the Alliance for Period Supplies mission to end period poverty for women and girls.  Inadequate access to period supplies prevents women and girls from going to school, work, and other spaces.  This HerStory Month help PVCC supply various nonprofit organizations with feminine hygiene products for the women and girls they serve.  Look for donation boxes around our Union Hills campus or bring donations to the A building.  

Visit our HerStory Month landing page for more events

  • Past Events
  • Cost
    Free Event
  • Location

    Donations boxes located around campus or donate in the A Bldg.

  • Address

    18401 N. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85032