Monday, December 30, 2019
2019 has come and gone, and everyone at PVCC is excited for the new year. It’s officially that time of year when you have the chance to sit down and prepare a list of important lifestyle changes you want to make. Since the majority of people fail to stick to their resolutions, we recommend filling your resolution list with easy, good-for-you goals. Try one of these simple lifestyle tweaks to help make 2020 your best year ever at Paradise Valley Community College.
- Declutter your bedroom and create a great study space
- Buy a 2020 planner and work on organization
- Sign up for the fitness center and squeeze in a workout between classes
- Meet with a PVCC counselor to help relieve stress
- Sign up for scholarships
- Set a GPA goal
- Set a date for graduation
- Speak with an advisor about your major
- Check out a club meeting
- Go to our career center and update your resume
- Check out a new book each month from our library