Our spirited mascot Paws is turning 31 years young! What's that in puma years?
Show your support and tune in virtually to join Paws’ Birthday Bash!
Join us LIVE on Instagram at 12:45 p.m., October 29th to help us not only celebrate our energetic furry friend, but gain insight into Paradise Valley Community College’s Alumni Association and ways you can get involved. Our student Brand Ambassadors will join PVCC President Dr. Paul Dale and Student Affairs Vice President Dr. Jana Schwartz in a socially distanced picnic and help Paws blow out his candles.
The puma was chosen as the college’s mascot in 1989 when PVCC officially opened its doors. However, Paws didn’t make his debut until more than a decade later in 2002. In simpler times, Paws was a staple at PVCC events, sharing his energy and pride for our school. In light of this year’s pandemic, Paws’ birthday celebration will be a smaller celebration, held virtually.
"PAWS brings our campus events to life,” said Jessi Wright, Director of the Office of Development, Alumni and Community Relations. “I can’t wait for the day Paws can pose for selfies again with students and give out high fives and hugs to anyone and everyone who needs their day brightened. We need that.”