Taking Care of Our Planet: Earth Day is Every Day

Friday, April 22, 2022
Taking Care of Our Planet: Earth Day is Every Day

While every day should be Earth Day, April 22, 2022, officially marks this monumental day each year, encompassing events and activities big and small across the globe that spotlight the need for environmental protections. 

Paradise Valley Community College (PVCC) is doing its own part to find innovative and sustainable ways to nurture our planet. In recent years, under the direction of PVCC’s Facilities department, we have: 

  1. Changed to green clean products for use in all buildings, classrooms, common areas and restrooms. 
  2. Replaced the irrigation system to a control panel system to conserve water flow. 
  3. Provided side-by-side recycling and trash containers throughout campus.
  4. Obtained a cardboard compactor to recycle cardboard.
  5. Creating more xeriscaped vegetation beds for less water usage.
  6. Landscape edging is made of refurbished tires to look like block edging instead of concrete blocks.
  7. Upgraded the air filter system in buildings to purge air twice a day.
  8. Installed water bottle fillers in all buildings and hands free faucets and shut off valves in all restrooms, including automatic flushers on all toilets to conserve water.
  9. Upgraded light fixtures to LED lighting with control-timed switches to shut down when classes and offices ar eunoccupied. 

“Facilities take sustainability seriously, and we are proud of our accomplishments as we strive to become more sustainable in every way,” said Terri Siemer, PVCC’s maintenance operations specialist supervisor, and member of the Sustainability committee. “It’s the right thing to do for our college, the community and the planet.”

How You Can Make A Difference

Every one of us can do little things that add up to a lot; simple changes you can make in your day-to-day life include:

  1. Stop buying plastic water bottles. Carry a reusable water bottle and invest in a reverse osmosis water system at home.
  2. Pay attention to recycling items on your containers and only recycle those your town or city allows.
  3. Pitch the straw and opt for a reusable one instead; it’s a small but impactful statement.
  4. Upcycle books and clothes. Donate to a local shelter, host a swap party, or find a treasure to take home from your local thrift stores. It’s new to you.
  5. Become the anti-litterbug. Bring along a trash bag on your daily walk and pick up trash as you go. 
  6. Pack your lunch in reusable containers instead of plastic bags and Bring reusable bags for grocery shopping.
  7. Turn the water off when brushing your teeth and wash your clothes in cold water. 

Pick one or two at a time and see how quickly these new routines become a habit. Send in your photos of how you’re making a difference to media@paradisevalley.edu or tag PVCC_official in your social media posts.

Happy Earth Day