Paradise Valley Community College is celebrating its two 2024 All-Arizona Academic Team recipients – Christine Collado-Frost and Halle Goral – both of whom will receive a two-year scholarship to one of PVCC’s transfer schools - Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University or University of Arizona.
“We are extremely proud of Christine and Halle for their hard work, focus and contributions to the PVCC community,” said PVCC Honors Director Jenny Hall, explaining how participants are required to create a community-based project with significant impact. “We are grateful to have them represent our college so exceptionally and show future students what is possible at PVCC.”
Meet the Winners
Christine Collado-Frost started the process timidly, unsure whether she had a powerful story to compete. After some encouragement from past winners and her professors, Collado-Frost chose as her endeavor project the idea to break stigmas on snakes through education. She had permission to bring her snakes onto campus where she held educational presentations about the reptile. She conducted surveys before and after the presentations to determine if people’s opinions shifted after learning about snakes.
“I was sitting with my (snake) and thinking about how no one could be afraid of a beautiful little face like his and then it hit me; he is my endeavor. I truly love these animals,” she said. “I was never very afraid of them, but I was absolutely fearful of being bitten.”
Working in a reptile shop, it didn’t take long before a small, reticulated python bit her. Realizing it didn’t hurt, all her fear was gone, instantly replaced by love.
Since winning the scholarship, Collado-Frost’s mindset has done a complete 180°. Whereas before she questioned her value, this opportunity has transformed her into a confident person. “I’ve dealt with mental health issues my entire life and I genuinely believe in myself now. “I’ve improved in my writing and in how I teach others about snakes.”
Her advice to others hoping to apply, Collado-Frost said to find something they are passionate about; it makes the process so much easier.
Halle Goral was extremely motivated to apply for this scholarship in order to continue her education at a four-year university. She also wanted to prove to herself that she had the ability to make a difference in her community.
Goral’s endeavor project focused around her volunteer work with various non-profit organizations, and the realization that these organizations were having difficulty recruiting volunteers. Using her studies in design, she created a website to inspire college students to sign up for volunteer work. The website included a detailed list of volunteer opportunities and links to their sites. Goral got the PVCC campus involved and with Student Life’s help, orchestrated a Community Volunteer Fair last fall.
“I am so thankful for PVCC’s Student Government, Phi Theta Kappa, my project faculty advisor, the Honors department, and Student Life, who supported me with the logistics and announcements,” Goral said. “This scholarship has had such a positive effect on my life because now I know that I have the ability to achieve big things if I put my mind to it and give it my all.”
Her advice for others pursuing the All-Arizona scholarship – intertwine your major or field of interest into your endeavor project. Bringing that expertise and passion into the journey has immense impact.
Are You an All-Arizona Candidate?
Criteria for the All-Arizona scholarship award includes:
- Strong academic background
- How a student uses what they’ve learned to give back to the community
When competing amongst local nominees, students are ranked in teams - first, second, and third. Arizona’s first team winners will go on to compete on the national level, at which additional scholarship monies will be awarded. Students are required to create an endeavor project – a community-based project that has a significant impact on how the competition is scored.
If you think you have what it takes, it’s never too early to begin thinking about your endeavor project and actively participating in your communities to determine what you want to achieve.
Students interested in this opportunity should start working on an endeavor project in their first year at PVCC. For more information, contact PVCC Honors at 602-787-7888 or honors@paradisevalley.edu.