Paradise Valley Community College was abuzz with excitement hosting the Sundown Super Smash Series, a high-octane event centered around the popular video game Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. The event, held February 10, streamed live on Twitch via @PVCCesports, and showcased students' talents not just from the esports sector but also from the technical arts and live sound departments of PVCC.
An impressive turnout saw nine high schools with a total of 80 student players from across the valley competing in this series, which is more than just a game; it's a testament to the burgeoning field of esports and its related careers. From players showcasing their skills in the digital arena to producers and technical staff working behind the scenes, the event highlighted the diverse opportunities available in the esports industry.
“Esports is rapidly carving out a significant niche in the entertainment sector, offering career paths that range from competitive playing to game production, technical arts, and live sound engineering,” said Ryan Wentzel, technical director of the Center for Performing Arts at PVCC. “The Sundown Super Smash Series at PVCC not only provided a platform for student players to shine but also served as a valuable learning experience for those interested in the behind-the-scenes aspects of esports event production.”
“PVCC is at the forefront of this emerging industry, offering students a chance to dive into the world of esports, video game production, and more,” said Dr. Sandra Hinski, interim vice president of Academic Affairs. “Through events like this and participation in the Maricopa Esports League (MCEL), PVCC is providing both competitive and casual gaming opportunities to its student body.”
The series is specially designed for advisors and coaches looking to promote their programs, recruit new talent, and assess their teams ahead of AIA competition. It aims to prepare teams and individual players for state championships through comprehensive player development and competitive play.
For those intrigued by the dynamic and fast-growing field of esports, PVCC offers a gateway into a world where passion for gaming can turn into a rewarding career. Whether you're aiming to be the next esports champion or the creative genius behind the scenes, PVCC has something to offer.
For more information, visit our website at Esports | Paradise Valley Community College or contact