Tips for Staying Safe on Campus

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
National Safety Month: Tips for Staying Safe on Campus

June is National Safety Month, a perfect time to focus on keeping ourselves and our campus community safe. At Paradise Valley Community College (PVCC), the well-being of students, faculty, and staff is a top priority. Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind as you navigate campus life.

1. Stay informed with emergency alerts by signing up for PVCC’s emergency alert system. Familiarize yourself with campus safety resources, including the locations of emergency call boxes and the contact information for campus security.

2. Stay in tune with your personal safety; be aware of your surroundings and avoid distractions like texting or wearing headphones while walking on campus. At night, walk with a friend or in groups whenever possible. If you feel unsafe walking to your car or another location on campus, don’t hesitate to use the campus escort service provided by security. Utilize safe spaces such as the library, student center, and designated study areas, which are monitored and well-lit.

3. Lastly, speak up! If you see something suspicious or feel unsafe, report it to campus security immediately. Your vigilance can help prevent incidents and keep everyone safe.

By following these tips and staying proactive about safety, you can contribute to a secure and supportive environment at PVCC. Let’s work together to ensure that our campus remains a safe place for learning, growing, and thriving during National Safety Month and beyond.