Strategic Plan
We are pleased to share with you Paradise Valley Community College’s 2021-2023 Strategic Plan, our aspirational roadmap to dramatically increase levels of student learning, success, and subsequent individual and collective contributions to positive social change. PVCC as a learning-centered college, is confident that our commitment to lifelong learning will instill the critical, creative and entrepreneurial skills our students need to thrive.
Underlying our 2021-2023 Strategic Plan is a systems approach identifying key priorities for the organization, faculty and staff so that PVCC will not only continue to redefine and strengthen our approaches to teaching and learning, but also focus on goals to enhance and support the employee experience.
As this plan is finalized in the context of a world-wide pandemic, a nation under crisis because of the continued killing of African-Americans while in police custody, and record levels of unemployment, it is even more imperative that our students are successful and equipped to navigate an ever-changing society.