Career Panels

Behavioral Science And Human Service
Thursday February 27th
- Career Panel-10:30AM-11:30AM
- Job Fair-11:30AM-12:30PM
- Marketplace Conversation with Job Fair Employers/Paradise Valley Faculty - 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Join Webex meeting
ID: 24899230506
Password: Nd3HpJBFp23

Culture And Society
Thursday February 27th
- Career Panel-10:30AM-11:30AM
- Job Fair-11:30AM-12:30PM
- Marketplace Conversation with Job Fair Employers/Paradise Valley Faculty - 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Join Webex meeting
ID: 24899230506
Password: Nd3HpJBFp23

EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement
Wednesday April 9th
Join the EMS, Fire, and Law Enforcement Career Fair! We will be featuring representatives from various fire departments, EMS agencies, ambulance services, law enforcement and more!
Location - Q120A/B
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Business, Entrepreneurialism And Management
Career Panel - April 2nd
Time and Campus Location TBD

Visual And Performing Arts
Career Panel - April 16th
Time and Campus Location TBD