Anywhere Learning Support

Remote Learning Support

Many of PVCC's remote learning applications and services are accessible online anywhere from your device (desktop, laptop, tablet) or from your personally-owned device. A valid Maricopa-issued MEID and password are required to access these resources. Links to several popular applications are listed below.


DUO   eduroam

Students who want to connect their personal mobile devices to campus wifi can use the eduroam network. With a single login to eduroam at PV, your device is automatically authorized to connect to eduroam wifi at any other MCCCD location. Users of eduroam also enjoy the benefit of automatically connecting to any other eduroam wifi sites nationwide, including at all three Arizona public university campuses.

PaperCut Printing   PaperCut - Student Web Printing

Students can use the PaperCut application for their printing needs.

Account Security

DUO   Duo MFA authentication

Duo is Maricopa Community Colleges’ MFA authentication service providing an extra layer of security to protect against hackers, cyber threats, and any unauthorized access to sensitive data.


Reactivate MEID   Reactivate Maricopa ID (MEID) or Reset your Password

If you need to reactivate your Maricopa ID or reset your password please use the links below.


Student Services

Cranium Cafe   Cranium Cafe

It’s where students go to connect and engage with educators, academic support staff, and each other.

Start at:

  • Online Chat Feature
  • Schedule Online Appointments
  • Video Meetings


PVCC in circle Device Checkout


PVCC in circle Technical Support

  • Technology support will be available over the phone at (602)787-7780 or remotely through the Information Technology Helpdesk.
  • We are available: Monday-Thursday from 8:00am-6:00pm
  • Only the pre-loaded software or software required for use on the device by your course(s) will be supported. We are unable to support non-PVCC authorized software installations.


Virtual Computer Lab Virtual Computer Lab

You can access our virtual computer labs as a student or employee at Paradise Valley Community College.

Visit to get connected to the Virtual Computer Lab.

Collaboration Tools

You have at least two options for remote meeting tools, so please select which platform makes the most sense for you.

webex logo WebEx by Cisco

Use WebEx if you are taking a class, have a large meeting, or are hosting an event of up to 1000 participants.

Start at:  ( and password)

  • Record your WebEx sessions with one-click
  • Add closed-captioning to live or recorded meetings
  • Annotations
  • Polling
  • Dedicated conference bridge for all sessions
  • All students have their own personal WebEx meeting room where you can create immediate sessions, schedule sessions, and access your recordings

WebEx Resources


Google Workspaces Google Meet

Use Meet if you have a small to midsize meeting and don't need to record.

Start at:

Meet Resources

Productivity Tools

Google Workspaces Workspaces

Every MEID account has access to the full Google Workspaces. This includes Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Sites, and more. Create and collaborate with your students. Share documents and files, build out spreadsheets and make presentations on the fly with Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.

Start at:

Google Workspaces Resources

Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365

It's the tools you need - Be more creative and achieve what matters with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint, and more. Office 365 can be added to up to 5 devices.

Start at:

Microsoft 365 Resources

Learning Management Systems

Canvas Canvas

Canvas is made up of a powerful set of highly integrated learning products that allow institutions to get all of the functionality they need and none that they don’t.

Start at: 

Canvas Resources


Download LockDown Browser for Maricopa Community Colleges.


Compatibility with Google Chromebooks?

Chromebooks are not compatible with MCCCD's license. The school would have to provision the Chromebooks to classrooms so they can run in what's called Kiosk mode. Personally owned Chromebooks will not work.

MOER Maricopa Open Educational Resource Learning System

Welcome to the Maricopa Open Educational Resource Learning System (MOER), formerly known as MathAS. MOER is a web based STEM assessment and course management platform. This system is designed for mathematics, providing delivery of homework, quizzes, tests, practice tests, and diagnostics with rich mathematical content. Students can receive immediate feedback on algorithmically generated questions with numerical or algebraic expression answers.

Start at:

MOER Resources


Desktop. Online. Mobile. Free through your school's license. You'll need to create a Mathworks account to get started.

Get started at: Maricopa MATLAB Portal 

Get started with MATLAB Online at:

MATLAB Resources


ask a librarian 24-7 Ask a Librarian

Get research help when you need it!

Start at:

ask a librarian 24-7 A-Z Databases

Find the best library databases for your research.

Start at: A-Z Databases