Twenty-five years ago, Carla was a young PVCC student and a trailblazer. Carla's most positive memory of attending PVCC was being a part of a group of science major students who petitioned PVCC President Dr. Cardenas to have O-Chem (organic chemistry) class on campus the following year. It was empowering to be heard by the PVCC President and it was an honor to be one of the original nine students in that first O-Chem class.
Carla gives shout outs of appreciation for John Jones, Dr. Hank Mancini, Dr. Gary Quick, Dr. Burgess, Donna Rebadow, Dr. Linda Knoblock and Sherry Adams. Her interactions with these faculty members were foundational in her experience as both a student and a student leader.
Carla credits her PVCC education with teaching her "to take challenges head on, to think outside the box, to always question, to not be afraid to try something new, and to be proud of her work and able to defend her findings and theories." It also taught her to adapt and to realize that educational paths and job careers don't always align perfectly. "Be flexible, be true to yourself, and make your own way."
When Carla thinks of PVCC, the word "family" comes to mind. "You get to know your classmates and professor on a much deeper level due to small class sizes and professors taking a true interest in the success of their students. You bond during study groups and office hours. You are connected by a common goal - to do your best and be your best."
She recommends PVCC as it is an invaluable opportunity to establish a firm foundation for the fundamentals of whatever degree you are seeking. It is also a financially sound decision to pay less for the first two years of college while earning credit hours that transfer. The personalized attention from the professors ensure a successful transition to your next educational/career goals
Carla shares, "If you have the opportunity to attend community college at PVCC - take it! Get involved on the PVCC campus like I did being a Student Worker in the Science Lab and President of the Alpha Omicron Chi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. The more you put into your experience a PVCC, the more you get out of it! The experience will sharpen your focus and prepare you to dive in with confidence for completing a Bachelor’s Degree or staring a career." Carla, thank you for using your voice and joining with your classmates to ask for the addition of O-Chem to the repertoire of classes offered at PVCC!