Trisha Chandler, PharmD

Trisha Chandler, PharmD

Dr. Trisha Chandler attended several community colleges upon graduating from Desert Mountain high school.  She found the science track and professors at PVCC to be a perfect fit as she progressed through her educational goals. She felt at home at PVCC. The counselors and professors were supportive and helped tailor her education accordingly. At the time, Trisha did not know she wanted to pursue a career in pharmacy, but knew she was interested in healthcare with a passion to serve others.

With the start of her PVCC college experience, came Trisha’s most influential instructor, Dr. Hank Mancini.  She is forever thankful for the support and guidance he offered her.  Even after graduating from PVCC, Trisha continues to touch base with Dr. Mancini and update him on where her education and career have taken her.

One of the most memorable aspects of Trisha’s experience at PVCC was working with Dr. Jane Marks on an Honors project they developed for the Anatomy & Physiology 101/102 course. “The Honors program offers students a tailor-made approach and enables students to be creative and produce outcomes that are sustainable and applicable for future students to use.”

The PSP2 program was initiated during Trisha’s time at PVCC. Students interested in a science-based education or career could be part of this program. Trisha wrote her first published research paper while in the program on the drug “Vioxx” and its link to cardiovascular disease. A few years later, her “findings proved to be true and “Vioxx” was pulled from the drug industry due to its negative health risks.” Trisha continues to work with Dr. Scott Massey at PVCC and volunteers her time to speak with students on how PSP2 benefited her education and her pharmacy career.

Trisha’s vision of PVCC includes "guiding students along pathways, supporting them financially, educationally and emotionally to allow them to truly experience college in a smaller classroom setting while gaining the best resources and education to support their future career and educational goals.”

Trisha highly recommends PVCC to students. “The professors and counselors are supportive, and the learning environment creates an atmosphere that allows new students to adjust to college seamlessly from high school. The teacher to student ratio allows for individualized learning and the campus is very easy to navigate.”

As an Honors College scholarship recipient, Trisha encourages others to pursue the scholarship opportunities available to them at community colleges and beyond. “Obtaining an education can be expensive. Scholarships can assist in helping you successfully complete all your educational goals. You should never be intimidated to apply for all the scholarships you can and work hard to meet the GPA and other requirements for them.”

Trisha’s experiences at PVCC have defined who she is today. She always knew she would pursue a career in the healthcare industry and PVCC guided and refined her path to pharmacy.  Currently, Trisha is a Lieutenant Commander on active duty serving under the U.S. Public Health Service as a pharmacist. Her reach has, by far, exceeded her expectations.  “If you would have told me that this is where I would end up when I started at PVCC; I would not have believed you. The experiences and changes I have been able to make for patients and our healthcare systems are humbling and life changing.”