Small Business Start-up Certificate for PVCC Women in Business
Fresh Start Women's Foundation has partnered with Paradise Valley Community College to exclusively offer the Small Business Start-up Certificate to meet the needs of women who wish to become entrepreneurs and start their own businesses.
2022-2023 PVCC - Fresh Start Small Business Start-Up Alumni, Beth Eckel wins the BIG Pitch!
This award winning program offers courses that are college accredited. Students graduate from PVCC with a Small Business Start-Up Certificate of Completion in just 12 college credits. The courses are offered on Saturdays at Fresh Start and will cover education and training in management, marketing, finance and business plan development. Classes start in the fall and run for nine months.
Scholarships are available to women through Fresh Start. For more information about the course work please contact: Dr. Preston-Ortiz at To find out the date of the next program orientation, please contact Nancy Garcia @