Visual Arts
General Program Info
The visual arts program at PVCC is dedicated to providing degree seeking entry–level students with foundational skills in drawing and design. Intermediate study and experimentation with various additional disciplines is also encouraged: ceramics, painting, photography, and digital art. The program leads to the degree of Associate of Arts, Fine Arts (emphasis in Art). Certificates in video game design and animation are available. Professional development courses augment studio practice and relay business fundamentals in support of careers in the arts. In keeping with the college’s vision and mission to engage lifelong educational relationships and educate the whole person, the program provides opportunities for all learners to pursue their goals through continuing education and community engagement.
A variety of art history courses enhances the appreciation of art and culture from the prehistoric era to the present day. Dynamic extra–curricular activities such as those orchestrated by the student–run art clubs: “Anime,” “Partners in Art,” and “Arts and Crafts” present opportunities to build friendships and engage with the local art community. Students enjoy exhibiting their artwork in a state-of-the-art gallery on campus and in district–wide exhibit. Merit scholarships partially fund tuition and are available through competition for intermediate students.
Faculty members are accomplished professionals who actively exhibit their work.

Campus Public Art
Paradise Valley Community College believes in the power of Art to inspire, illustrate and illuminate for every person. PVCC has pursued building a collection of art for public consumption in the belief that knowledge is acquired in many ways.