Engineering Technology

The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Engineering Technology program prepares students as entry-level engineering technicians. They will apply basic engineering principles and technical skills to support engineers engaged in a wide variety of projects. Includes instruction in various engineering support functions, including preparation in the areas of research, production, and operations. This degree will prepare highly skilled and needed workers for area manufacturers and the tech industry.


Field of Interest
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Degree Type
Associate in Applied Science (AAS)
Academic Plan
Engineering Technology (DEG)
Academic Plan Code
Total credits required
Catalog Year
Effective Term
Fall 2025

Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.

What You'll Learn
  • Use computer programming, computer tools, and computer modeling as applied to engineering analysis and design.
  • Analyze engineering designs as a member of an engineering project team.
  • Apply principles of engineering, science, and mathematics to solve engineering problems.
  • Apply visual and spatial reasoning to create and interpret engineering diagrams.
  • Safely and correctly use tools and equipment for industrial and lab applications.
  • Conduct appropriate experimentation and testing.
  • Employ appropriate engineering principles to collect and interpret data.
  • Write technical reports consistent with engineering analysis and engineering design.
  • Demonstrate effective collaboration and participation on a diverse and inclusive team to establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  • Use effective written, visual, and oral strategies to communicate to a range of audiences.
  • Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and the implications for society at large.
  • Demonstrate creativity, curiosity, and adaptability in a variety of contexts.
Required Courses
Course # Course Title Credits
Credits: 27-35
CHM130 Fundamental Chemistry (3) AND
CHM130LL Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory (1)
CHM130AA Fundamental Chemistry with Lab (4)
CHM140AA General Chemistry for Engineers with Lab (6)
CHM150 General Chemistry I (4) AND
CHM151LL General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
CHM150AA General Chemistry I with Lab (5)
CHM151 General Chemistry I (3) AND
CHM151LL General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
CHM151AA General Chemistry I (4) 4-6
CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
CIS150 Programming Fundamentals (3) OR
CIS150AB Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals (3) OR
CIS156 Python Programming: Level I (3) OR
CIS159 Visual Basic Programming I (3) OR
CIS162AB C++: Level I (3) OR
CIS162AD C#: Level I (3) OR
CIS163AA Java Programming: Level I (3) OR
CSC100 Introduction to Computer Science (C++) (3) OR
CSC100AA Introduction to Computer Science (C++) (3) OR
CSC100AB Introduction to Computer Science (C++) (4) OR
CSC110 Introduction to Computer Science (Java) (3) OR
CSC110AA Introduction to Computer Science (Java) (3) OR
CSC110AB Introduction to Computer Science (Java) (4) 3-4
ECE102 Engineering Analysis Tools and Techniques 2
ECE103 Engineering Problem Solving and Design 2
ECE216 Computer-Aided Engineering (2) AND
ECE216LL Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory (1) OR
ECE216AA Computer Aided Engineering (3) 3
ECE104 EPICS Gold I (2) OR
ECE294++ Special Topics in Engineering (1-4) OR
ECE296++ Cooperative Education (1-3) OR
ECE298++ Special Projects (1-3) 1-4
FYE101 Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success (1) OR
FYE103 Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success (3) 1-3
PHY111 General Physics I (4) OR
PHY121 University Physics I: Mechanics (4) 4
PHY112 General Physics II (4) OR
PHY131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism (4) 4
Restricted Electives
Course # Course Title Credits
Credits: 10-14
In consultation with an Academic, Faculty, or Program Advisor, complete 10-14 credits of coursework from any of the areas below that best align with academic and professional goals. Students may select courses from multiple areas.
General Application
Select one of the following programming courses not already taken in required courses:
CIS150 Programming Fundamentals (3) OR
CIS150AB Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals (3) OR
CIS156 Python Programming: Level I (3) OR
CIS159 Visual Basic Programming I (3) OR
CIS162AB C++: Level I (3) OR
CIS162AD C#: Level I (3) OR
CIS163AA Java Programming: Level I (3) OR
CSC100 Introduction to Computer Science (C++) (3) OR
CSC100AA Introduction to Computer Science (C++) (3) OR
CSC100AB Introduction to Computer Science (C++) (4) OR
CSC110 Introduction to Computer Science (Java) (3) OR
CSC110AA Introduction to Computer Science (Java) (3) OR
CSC110AB Introduction to Computer Science (Java) (4) 3-4
Select one of the following courses not already taken in required courses:
ECE104 EPICS Gold I (2) OR
ECE294++ Special Topics in Engineering (1-4) OR
ECE296++ Cooperative Education (1-3) OR
ECE298++ Special Projects (1-3) 1-4
ECE105 MATLAB Programming 1
ECE106 Survey of Nanotechnology (1) OR
MNT110 Nanotechnology: What It Is and Why It Matters (3) 1-3
AIT100 Industrial Safety (1) OR
CON271 Construction Safety (3) OR
GTC/MIT/OSH106 Industrial Safety (2) 1-3
MAT206 Elements of Statistics 3
Biomedical Engineering Technician
BIO160 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology (4) OR
BIO201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4) 4
ABS175 Research Methods in Biology 1
BIO211AA Biotechnology Seminar: Biomedical Applications 1
ECE111 Bioengineering Systems 3
Civil Engineering Technician
CET211 Strength of Materials (3) OR
CON223 Strength of Materials (3) 3
CON241 Surveying 3
ECE216 Computer-Aided Engineering (2) AND
ECE216LL Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory (1) OR
ECE216AA Computer Aided Engineering (3) 3
GLG101 Physical Geology: Dynamic Earth Lecture (3) AND
GLG103 Physical Geology: Dynamic Earth Lab (1) OR
GLG101IN Physical Geology: Dynamic Earth (4) 4
Drafting for Engineering Technician
CAD100 Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD 3
CAD101 Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD) 3
CAD145 Design Principles for Industry 3
DFT110 Introduction to Drafting 3
DFT126 Building Trades Blueprint Reading 3
ECE216 Computer-Aided Engineering (2) AND
ECE216LL Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory (1) OR
ECE216AA Computer Aided Engineering (3) 3

At Maricopa, we strive to provide you with accurate and current information about our degree and certificate offerings. Due to the dynamic nature of the curriculum process, course and program information is subject to change. As a result, the course list associated with this degree or certificate on this site does not represent a contract, nor does it guarantee course availability. If you are interested in pursuing this degree or certificate, we encourage you to meet with an advisor to discuss the requirements at your college for the appropriate catalog year.

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