Performance & Satisfaction

Performance & Satisfaction

Our job from day one is to help new employees move forward and continually advance in their skill set and knowledge. As a PVCC team member, you will know exactly where you stand in your position and development. Together, human resources and management hold annual reviews with each and every employee, complete with evaluations and an ongoing learning plan so everyone is on the same page.

MCCCD has many policies and procedure in place that you need to follow as government employees. It is important that you review the many policies and procedures before you take action.

Accessibility Resources – This link serves as a central location for ADA information.

Administrative Regulations – Administrative Regulations are rules that govern the day-to-day operations of the Maricopa Community Colleges. Topic areas include Fiscal Management, Students, Instruction, and Auxiliary Services.

Compensation – Information regarding salary schedules and ranges, reclassifications, temporary pay rates and job class may be directed to:

Discrimination – Concerns related to suspected workplace discrimination are handled by the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity Office.

Employee Policy Manuals – Employee policy manuals are an essential tool for doctrines that govern work terms and conditions (i.e. grievance procedures, FMLA, etc). Staff and Faculty policy manuals are posted here.

Maricopa EthicsPoint – an anonymous tool that is available 24/7 to report concerns related to public stewardship.