Assessment for Learning Team (ALT)

Assessment for Learning Team (ALT)

ALT Team Photo



Felicia Ramirez
ALT Chair & COM/LA Representative

Leonard Macias
ALT Chair & ENG Representative

Division ALT Reps

Andrea Macias-Murrieta
Counseling Representative

Kurt Hill
Social Science Representative

Brian Goegan
Business Representative

Teresa Dominguez
Learning Success Center Representative

Darra Browning
Science Representative

Tomi Johnston
Fine Arts Representative

Eric West
Dean of Student Affairs 

Bootsie Martinez
Behavior Sciences Representative

Sami Lange
Library Representative

Mike Ho
Student Life Representative

Doug Marin
Nursing Representative

Kara Childs
Math Representative

Susan Bonnell
Adjunct Faculty Coordinator Representative

Dr. Edmond (Eddie) Lamperez
Interim VP of Academic Affairs

Shannon Manuelito
Interim Dean of Academic Affairs

Gina Cinali
Institutional Effectiveness