Budget Assumptions
The primary source of new revenue will be enrollment growth funding from MCCCD.
- Enrollment growth will be funded prospectively as outlined by District Office.
- Enrollment growth will be funded at the current resident tuition rate.
- The college will manage the risk of estimated and projected enrollment funding.
The college will pursue other revenue, as appropriate, from rental of facilities, partnerships, fund raising, etc.
Salary and benefit increases (COLA's, steps) and other increases, required by policy manual, will be funded by allocation of required funds from MCCCD.
Budget proposals for new college programs and/or initiatives must be approved through the new program proposal process prior to entering the budget request process.
Only budget requests submitted through the budget development system will be considered for budgetary prioritization and allocation.
Capital budget decisions include replacement plans for technology and elsewhere (vehicles, furniture, and equipment) as appropriate.
Budget requests are ranked within fund type based on alignment with college planning priorities and objectives. The following funding requirements defined by FBC in developing recommendations:
- First Priority -Fixed Operating Needs - An annual review of fixed operating needs and review of funding reserves is a requirement of the budget development process and are funded as a first priority.
- Second Priority – FBC Recommendations– Available enrollment growth funding should be allocated as follows:
- Direct instructional costs of new enrollment.
- A portion to support functions for whom demand increases with enrollment.
- Third Priority– Remediation of current program funding levels.
- Fourth Priority- New or expanded college initiatives in accordance with the college strategic plan. Investments in quality improvement initiatives will also be considered.