Personnel Expense Guidelines and Procedures

Personnel Expense Guidelines and Procedures


  • The President, in consultation with the President’s Leadership Team (PLT), is responsible for all decisions related to college employee staffing.
  • The college recognizes that enrollment volatility requires a portion of its staffing remain in the adjunct/part-time/temporary status in order to allow for expansion and contraction to meet enrollment needs.
  • The college will continually explore creative ways to balance reliance on the use of temporary staff vs. board-approved staffing.
  • The college will carefully manage work assignments recognizing that costs of reclassifications and reassignments are its financial responsibility.
  • Each vacated position will be reviewed and approved by PLT prior to reposting to determine if the position is appropriately classified and/or funded to meet the current needs of the college.

Annual Budget Development Cycle

  • It is the responsibility of the Vice President of Administrative Services (VPAS) to ensure all personnel expenses for permanent, board-approved positions are correctly reported in the annual budget.
  • The college will budget staff vacancies at mid-range salary and faculty vacancies at grade 1/step 8 to adequately fund and not constrain hiring of the best qualified candidate.
  • Contingency reserves will be maintained to offset final salary placement.
  • Salary and benefit increases, COLA’s, steps, and other policy manual required increases, if any, are funded by allocation from District Administration.

Operational Budget

  • A key strategy in controlling salary and benefit expenses is managing the hiring process and monitoring the amount of funding that becomes available from unfilled positions.
  • All surplus/deficits in permanent, board-approved budget object codes are the responsibility of the college and not the responsibility of the department.
  • When a permanently filled, board-approved position vacates, surplus funds will be transferred to a central college account.
  • When a position is filled, funding in an amount sufficient to support the position will be transferred to the department’s charge center. Funding will be based on the hire date and final step placement. It is the responsibility of the department manager to validate the amount of funds transferred to support the filled position.
  • Any expense incurred without prior approval will be the responsibility of the division.

Vacated Position Request Process

Each vacated, board-approved position will be reviewed and approved by PLT prior to reposting to determine if the position is appropriately classified and/or funded to meet the current needs of the college. The review process will include a written report of the rehire proposal. This report will be routed to the VPAS for review by PLT and include the following information.

  • Proposal Summary
  • Current Office Staffing
  • Proposed Office Staffing
  • Rational
  • Financials
  • Timeline

The appropriate VP will provide the final PLT decision to the Department Manager. If approved, the VPAS will provide the information to the Manager of Human Resources, the Director of Budget and the Budget Department. Approvals do not cross fiscal years.

Backfilling Vacated Positions

  • Each backfill funding request will be reviewed and approved by PLT. The review process will follow the Vacated Position Request Process.
  • If approved, funding equal to the actual cost for backfill will be transferred to the department’s charge center. The VPAS will provide the information to the Manager of Human Resources, the Director of Budget and the Budget Department.

Creative Pathways

  • Funding for Creative Pathways will be reviewed and approved by PLT. The review process will follow the Vacated Position Request Process.
  • If approved, District Creative Pathways funding will be applied first, funding required for any remaining expense will be transferred to the department’s charge center. The VPAS will provide the information to the Manager of Human Resources, the Director of Budget and the Budget Department.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

  • Backfill funding will be provided, as appropriate, for any board-approved positions temporarily unfilled due to FMLA.
  • Funding equal to the actual cost for backfill will be transferred to the department’s charge center. The VPAS will provide the information to the Manager of Human Resources, the Director of Budget and the Budget Department.


  • Employee reclassification requests will follow PVCC College Reclassification Guidelines outlined on the PVCC Human Resources website.

Temporary Reassignments

  • Each temporary reassignment request will be reviewed and approved by PLT. The review process will follow the Vacated Position Request Process.
  • If approved, funding equal to the actual cost for backfill support will be transferred to the department’s charge center. The VPAS will provide the information to the Manager of Human Resources, the Director of Budget and the Budget Department.


Vacancy Savings – Vacancy savings occur in a fiscal year when a permanently funded, board-approved position is unfilled for a period of time. Funds resulting from vacancy savings are OYO funds. Vacancy savings funds are managed through a centralized college account in the best interest of the college.

Salary Savings – Salary savings occurs when a permanently funded, board-approved position is not filled, filled in a different way, or filled at a lower grade/step. Funds resulting from salary savings are base budget funds. Salary savings are retained in a college contingency account and managed in the best interest of the college.

PLT Approved January 26, 2012; Updated May 2, 2018