Indicators of a Learning Centered College
A Learning-Centered College Ensures That:
- Learning outcomes that create substantive change in learners are identified and made explicit. These outcomes drive course, program, and curriculum development as well as delivery of student, academic, and administrative support services.
- Learning outcomes are assessed for the purpose of demonstrating that learning occurred and to expand and improve learning.
- Learning opportunities are accessible to learners and offered in a variety of formats and options.
- A culture of student success exists: student success outcomes emphasize active and engaged learning, connecting to the college environment, goal setting, successful navigation of college processes, and relationship building with faculty, staff, students and peers. These outcomes are made explicit to students.
Our Systems Support Learning By:
- College’s systems (human resources, policies, procedures, structures, technologies, strategic planning, budgeting and institutional effectiveness processes) and environments designed and evaluated in terms of their support of learning.
- Employee and Organizational Learning programs and the college’s employees demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning.
- Research about learning and learners routinely considered and systemically incorporated into the college’s learning processes, programs and services.