Jo and Warren Buxton Scholarship Fund

Dr. Warren Buxton, has done much for PVCC and its students. Shortly before his passing, he established the Jo and Warren Buxton Scholarship Fund to empower students to be successful in their educational goals.Scholarship recipient, Jay Michael Sloan says, “Thanks to Mr. Buxton’s generous support, I am the first in my family to attend college. I know that by going to college I will be an influence on younger generations in my family.”

Dr. Buxton’s impact on PVCC began over 30 years ago. In 1986, he transferred from Phoenix College to the newly opened PVCC campus to serve as head of the Computer Information Systems and Business Personal Computer programs. He retired from teaching in 1996 but remained the curator of the Buxton Collection until 2003. Warren and Jo’s art collection consists of over 900 unique articles of mostly Native American art, many of which are featured in PVCC’s Jo and Warren Buxton Library. Upon naming the library after the Buxtons, the Friends of the Buxton Library, or “Buxton Buddies” was established. A membership donation to the Friends of the Buxton Library Fund directly supports library programs, services and resources and comes with some great benefits as well.

Dr. Buxton was recognized in 2015 by Maricopa Community Colleges and Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation at its annual Heroes of Education event which honors “College Heroes”, who have distinguished themselves by providing exceptional support and service to one of the ten Maricopa Community Colleges.
Through the Jo and Warren Buxton Scholarship Fund, PVCC students will continue to thrive and pursue their dreams. As recipient Jeremiah Horton states, “I can continue my studies further and proceed closer to being what I’ve always wanted to be; a Biologist.”
To learn more about the lives of Jo and Warren Buxton and their amazing art collection, be sure to check out a copy of But Who Were These Buxtons? available at the PVCC Jo and Warren Buxton Library, of course!
Criteria: Preference giving to Native American students.