Endowments allow donors to provide everlasting support to the area they are most passionate about on campus. One gift can support generations of students. An Endowment leaves its own lasting legacy, and each one touches the lives of many. Please contact the Development Office to discuss how you can establish a new fund for a program or scholarship that is meaningful to you.

Jerry Baxter Memorial Scholarship
Jerry made significant contributions to the District and PVCC in the area of technology.

Jo and Warren Buxton Scholarship Fund
Dr. Buxton’s impact on PVCC began over 30 years ago. PVCC’s Jo and Warren Buxton Library houses many...

C&R Tire and Auto Repair Marketing Scholarship Endowment
Ralph Holmstrom, committed PVCC supporter, encourages students to...

Suzy Crescenti Memorial Scholarship
Suzy loved her job helping to support students in the Learning Support Center.

Dr. Casey Durandet - Dr. Millard A. Lee Excellence in STEM Scholarship
Dr. Casey Durandet says, “more female representation in the STEM fields...

Al Flowers Family Scholarship
Al was one of the original incorporators of the MCCCD Foundation.

Vicki Ann French Memorial Scholarship
As Food Services Manager, Vicki was a friend to many students and employees.

James Richard Forsman - Casey M Durandet K-12 Education Fund
Physicist, Teacher, Ham Radio guru, Pilot/Flight Instructor, ...

Dr. Mary Kathryn Kickels Scholarship
Dr. Mary Kathryn Kickels, former PVCC President, advanced PVCC's learning-centered philosophies.

Dr. Linda Knoblock Merit Scholarship
Linda was an important part of PVCC’s history and her contributions made an indelible impact on the foundation of...

Gina Kranitz Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Gina Kranitz was a passionate advocate for access to higher education for all.

Natalia Lantseva Ceramics Scholarship
Ceramics captured Natalia's heart, so much so, she continued as a 15 year...

Thomas O. McLaughlin Scholarship
Thomas O. McLaughlin was an educator, business executive and Rhodes scholar.

Dr. William L "Hank" Mancini STEM Athletic Scholarship
Dr. Hank Mancini left an indelible mark on students...

Dr. Mary Lou Mosley Employee Excellence Awards Fund
Faculty or Staff demonstrating excellence in one of the following...

Gina Neskovic Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Full-time PVCC students who are studying nursing and who demonstrate financial need.

PVCC Black Mountain Campus
Astronomy, physics and sustainability will become part of the core academic disciplines at the...

PVCC Student Engagement Scholarship
Expand student participation in co-curricular student development programming...

Dr. Lois Roma-Deeley Creative Writing Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Roma-Deeley created an environment where student-writers at all levels of...

Scottsdale Foothills Rotary Scholarship
Created to inspire and support students to increase their capacity for personal growth and positive social change.

John Jay Shroyer Memorial Scholarship
Created to encourage students to major in Computer Information Systems.

Laurel P. Smith Endowment for Education
Laurel is remembered for her positive impact on PVCC.

Megan Stiffler Lange & Brad Harper Memorial Scholarship
This endowment was created in honor of former students...

Z Connect -- One Thing Leads to Another Scholarship
Encouraging students with an entrepreneurial spirit to work toward a shared vision...