The Transfer Process
If you’re planning to pursue your bachelor’s at a four-year university or college, it’s always best to start thinking about it early and making sure you are on the right path towards your academic goals.

Step 1: Do your homework
- Research the various careers and majors
- Take a career inventory assessment
- Meet with one of our career counselors

Step 2: Pick your major
- You can be open to more than one major, but narrowing it down will be a great help in ensuring you are taking the proper courses.

Step 3: Choose the appropriate PVCC transfer degree
- Meet with an Academic Advisor to ensure you are in the proper degree in your Student Center.

Step 4: Investigate schools that offer your major
- Maricopa Community Colleges partner schools
- National Center for Education Statistics – Nationwide college search
- Meet with representatives from the schools you are interested in. Our Fall and Spring Transfer Fairs are a great way to explore many schools in one location!

Step 5: Apply to your chosen transfer schools