Discrimination/ADA and Title IX Reporting

Discrimination/ADA and Title IX Reporting

Immediate Assistance

If you are in an emergency situation, make sure you are in a safe place and call 911.

For non-emergencies, contact your college's Title IX/504 CoordinatorDepartment of Public Safety, or local law enforcement.

Title IX/504 Regional Director
Faridah Abdullah, LMSW

PVCC College Police
Emergency: 480-784-0911
Available 24/7
Non Emergency: 602-787-7900

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Policy

The policy of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) is to provide an educational, employment, and business environment free of sexual violence, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting Sexual Harassment as prohibited by state and federal law. Discrimination under this Policy is an unequal treatment of a student based on the student’s actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, or pregnancy. This Policy prohibits Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in any college education program or activity, which means all academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic and other programs.

Sexual Harassment

The 2020 Title IX Regulations define sexual harassment broadly to include any of three types of misconduct that—on the basis of sex—jeopardize the equal access to education and the educational programs/activities that Title IX is designed to protect. These three types of misconduct are:

  1. Any instance of quid pro quo harassment by a school's employee;
  2. any unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would find so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it denies a person equal educational access;
  3. any instance of sexual assault (as defined in the Clery Act), dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking as defined in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). For definitions of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking, please see the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy.

Take the online Preventing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence course.

Preventing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Course

Maricopa County Community College District's (MCCCD) Preventing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence course is now available to all students. Please check for your self-enrollment link in your Message Center within your Online Student Center via maricopa.edu. Once you have completed the course, you will...

  1. Be able to define key terms and be familiar with your rights under Title IX
  2. Know how to recognize and prevent sexual harassment and violence
  3. Understand the negative neurobiological impacts of sexual trauma
  4. Be aware of ways to reduce risk for yourself and others
  5. Have access to a list of important support resources