If you are looking to participate in either Service Learning or an Internship take a moment to fill out the application below. Name First Name Last Name Phone E-mail Credits Completed GPA Field of Interest (FOI) SelectApplied TechnologyBehavioral Science and Human ServicesBusiness, Entrepreneurialism, and ManagementComputer and Information TechnologyCulture and SocietyEducationHealth SciencesScience, Technology, Engineering and MathematicsVisual and Performing Arts Degree/Certificate or Major Semester you want to participate in an internship Type of Experience Service Learning (Short Term) Internship (Semester) Describe what kind of service learning or internship you are looking for Are you currently taking a course and/or working with a faculty member for an Internship/Service Learning experience? Yes No Course Title Course # Faculty Connection CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.