Tutoring Expectations

Tutoring Expectations

What to Bring to a Tutoring Session

  • Student ID Card
  • Any relevant material: Notes, Journals, Homework, Completed Tests, Rough Drafts, Textbooks, etc.
  • A Positive Attitude.

What to Do Before a Tutoring Session

  • Review the material on which you will be working.
  • Read your syllabus and/or assignment.
  • Take advantage of other resources:
    • Ask questions in class
    • Ask your instructor for clarification when needed
    • Partner up with a study group in your class
  • Plan ahead. If you wait until the last minute to seek assistance, you may not have time to benefit from tutoring.

What to Expect of Your Tutoring Session

  • Your participation will be vital. Tutors can help you understand concepts, but you are responsible for your own work and learning.
  • Your tutor will rely on you to select the subject matter for the tutoring session.
  • Your tutor will be patient and willing to move in small, manageable units in order to help you learn concepts and skills.
  • Your tutor will recognize your accomplishments and offer encouragement.
  • Your tutor will give feedback during sessions based on your questions, areas of concern, and interests.

General Policies

  • If you need to leave the tutoring center for more than 10 minutes, please check out at the front desk, and check back in when you return.
  • Please be respectful to all tutors and support staff.
  • Be mindful of your volume. It is okay to talk, but be considerate of the people studying around you.
  • Remember to clean up your space before you leave.