Give Back
Here are six simple and meaningful ways you can give back to the PVCC community and help students who are now walking in your footsteps.
View this fun video to learn more.
1. Share Your Expertise
Speak at events or be a panel presenter. We love to highlight the expertise of our alumni as an inspiration to current and prospective students. Your own words and thoughts are invaluable to their success. No matter where you are in life, there are definitely students who can benefit from your experience and advice.
2. Lead
Exercise your leadership skills by joining an advisory committee or becoming a pitch contest judge. This is a great way to stay connected and give back, while strengthening your resume and networking at the same time. And even if you can’t take on a leadership role, don’t underestimate the power of participation. Attend campus events and share your experience via social media. This is an easy way to show your support and affinity for PVCC – and it’s a great networking opportunity, too.
3. Talk to Prospective Students
Do you know someone who is making decisions about college this year? Be an unofficial recruiter by taking time to talk about your PVCC experience. Sharing your insights and answering their questions will help them make an informed choice for their future, while simultaneously opening doors for you to serve as a mentor.
4. Hire Other Alumni for Internships or Jobs
Talk with your company’s HR department or hiring managers and encourage them to recruit from PVCC. Additionally, you can offer to do informational interviews to support students trying to pursue your career path.
5. Communicate
We always welcome new ideas to keep our college thriving. We want to know what you’re up to in life. Keep your contact information updated so we can keep in touch and help spread the word about your success.
6. Give What You Can
You can do more good than you may realize by giving up one or two favorite beverages a year and making a donation to student scholarships.

Find one small way to show your support for PVCC. Paying it forward will connect you back to a powerful network, increase the value of your degree, and enhance the future of the students who follow in your footsteps – and that is no small thing!