Diversity and Inclusion Report Form

Diversity and Inclusion Report Form

In order to document the good work that Paradise Valley Community College is doing to enhance teaching, learning and student success through the integration of Diversity and Inclusion programming, this Report Form has been developed. Please complete and submit the Report Form for all Diversity and Inclusion programs, events, and activities. All fields are required and for the Goal field choose the goals that best fit the intent of the activity.

1.1 Ensure quality and access to educational program, learning environments, and support services to increase student success, retention, and completion. Implement student success strategies to achieve Completion Agenda and to enhance the student experience Close education attainment gaps in targeted populations Enhance student development through co-curricular/out of class experience 1.2 Strategically grow enrollment in response to market demand. 1.3 Expand pathway and degree options. Strengthen relationships with universities to expand transfer pathway options through alignment of transfer functions and processes. Maximize baccalaureate degree completion on campus through partnerships. 1.4 Strengthen partnerships that support student success.
2.1 Increase access through innovative and flexible course offerings and educational modalities. 2.2 Expand and enhance relationships with feeder and alternative high schools. 2.3 Align occupational programs, courses, and skills with current workforce needs.
3.1 Enrich learning and organizational effectiveness by increasing the diversity and cultural competency (agility) of employees and students. Deliver innovative and contemporary employee, student, and community intercultural programming and experiences. 3.2 Leverage technology, facilities, resources, and processes that are sustainable to achieve top level distinction among community colleges. Align and implement institutional sustainability efforts with national education climate initiatives. Promote social, economic, and ecological sustainability practices to engage students, employees and organizational partners. Foster an environment of open and transparent communication about our commitment to sustainability. 3.3 Align internal and external communication initiatives with One Maricopa Marketing to target new and emerging markets.
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