District Resources

District Resources

The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) offers a host of resources for employees. Here’s a look at a few (links may require employee log-in credentials):

Accessibility Resources – This link serves as a central location for ADA information.

Administrative Regulations – Administrative Regulations are rules that govern the day to day operations of the Maricopa Community Colleges. Topic areas include Fiscal Management, Students, Instruction, and Auxiliary Services.

Arizona State Retirement System – The MCCCD is a member of the Arizona State Retirement System, which provides retirement security to public sector organizations and serves teachers, municipal workers and other government employees. Eligibility to participate should be confirmed via your respective Human Resources department.

Benefits – Maricopa employees have access to a range of benefits including, medical, dental, vision, as well as disability coverage. Eligibility to participate should be confirmed via your respective Human Resources department.

Compensation – Information regarding salary schedules and ranges, reclassifications, temporary pay rates and job class may be directed to: compensation@domail.maricopa.edu

Discrimination Complaint Form – Concerns related to suspected workplace discrimination are handled by the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity Office.

Employee Development/Training – Upon clicking on the title link for this section, scroll through the panel on the left side of the web page to the Employee Learn Center. A host of online training modules are available.

Employee Policy Manuals – Employee policy manuals are an essential tool for doctrines that govern work terms and conditions (i.e. grievance procedures, FMLA, etc). Staff and Faculty policy manuals are posted here.

Maricopa EthicsPoint – an anonymous tool that is available 24/7 to report concerns related to public stewardship. This tool replaces the former Maricopa Concernline.

Mediation – The Center for Mediation is located in the Office of Public Stewardship. Interest based and collaborative services are offered to employees in an effort to support collegial and supportive work environments.

Professional Growth Programs – Maricopa offers support to eligible employees for conferences, travel and reimbursement of tuition for courses taken outside of the system.

Tuition Waivers – Eligible employees may receive tuition waivers to take courses within the Maricopa Community College system.

There are many, many other service resources that are available. Browse through the tabs at the top of the Employee Portal to see the vast array of programs and services for employees.