Management System for Grant-Funded Projects
To ensure that all Grants and Grant-Funded Projects are managed in the most effective way possible, a Grants Management System has been developed with the following components:
- The first component of the Management System is the First Review. The First Review is conducted by the Grants Coordinator during the first 30-days of any newly awarded Grant. A First Review Form has been developed to be used in conducting the review.
- The main focus of the First Review is for the Grants Coordinator to comprehensively review the Grant and the Grant-Funded Project to identify any deficiencies, problems or weaknesses in the Grant-Funded Project that need to be addressed early on in the Project.
- This is also an opportunity to look for and encourage strengths and successes within the Grant Project.
- The findings of the First Review are presented by the Grants Coordinator to the Grant-Funded Project Administrator and respective Vice President. In addition, a copy of the First Review report will be provided to the Vice President of Administrative Services and the College President.
- The second component of the Management System is the Mid-Year Review. The Mid-Year Review is conducted by the Grants Coordinator using a Mid-Year Review Form.
- The Mid-Year Review is conducted at the mid-point of the college fiscal year or mid-point of the grant funding cycle, if less than a twelve-month period. The Mid-Year Review and Evaluation of the Grant and the Grant-Funded Project is for the purpose of identifying any problems, issues, weaknesses or deficiencies in the administration of Grant Funds and management of the Grant Project. A Corrective Action Process is followed in response to findings of problems/issues.
- The completed Mid-Year Review of Grant-Funded Projects is to be completed each quarter and presented to Grants Project Administrator and respective Vice President. In addition, a copy of the Mid-Year Review will be provided to the Vice President of Administrative Services and the College President.
- The third component of the Management System is the Corrective Action Report. This report is prepared by the Grants Coordinator and Grants Project Administrator within 10-days of the most recent Mid-Year Review in which various problems and issues were identified.
- If needed, a Corrective Action Report is prepared in response to problems/issues identified in the Mid-Year Review and is updated monthly until resolved.
- The main focus of the Corrective Action Report is to develop solutions to the problems/issues identified in the Mid-Year Review.
- The Corrective Action Report is to be presented to the respective Vice President and the Vice President of Administrative Services with a copy to the College President.
- If all problems and issues are not resolved within 90-days of being identified in the Quarterly Critical Review, the 90-day Corrective Action Report shall be presented to the College President by the Grants Coordinator, Grant Administrator, respective Vice President and Vice President of Administrative Services. The focus of the meeting with the College President is to pursue a resolution at the Presidential level with strong emphasis on final resolution. The Corrective Action Plan will continue at the Presidential level until the final resolution is achieved.
- The fourth component of the Management System is the Grant Period Close-Out using Grant Period Close-Out Report Form.
- The Grant Close-Out Report is prepared by the Grant Project Administrator and presented to the Grants Coordinator and respective Vice President, along with a copy to the Vice President of Administrative Services.
- The Grant Close-Out Report is prepared:
- One to Two months prior to close of Grant Period
- Before the 15th day of last month of Grant Period.
- The main focus of the Grant Period Close-Out is to ensure that all of the following Close-Out items have been accomplished before the end of the Grant Period:
- Reimbursement of all funds.
- All invoices paid.
- Grant funds expended as close to 100% as possible and consistent with the wise use of funds.
- All Grant Reports, Assessments, and other requirements.
- All Purchase Orders closed out.
- The Grant Close-Out Report is prepared:
- The fifth, and final, component of the Grants Management System is the approach to follow in responding to an audit.
- In the event of an internal or external audit, the Grant Project Administrator is to adhere to the following:
- Advise the Auditing Agency that notification must be made to the Grants Coordinator and Vice President of Administrative Services prior to conducting the audit.
- The Grants Coordinator and Grant Project Administrator are required to be present at the initial meeting with the Auditor.
Both the Grants Coordinator and the Grant Project Administrator are to make themselves available to the Auditor’s schedule in order to discuss findings, concerns, or recommendations. - The Grant Program Director, Grant Project Administrator, College Grants and Budget Director, and the Grants Coordinator are required to be present at the exit interview and will advise the Auditor that the College will expect a copy of the Audit Report.
- The Grants Coordinator and Grant Project Administrator are to prepare a Corrective Action Report in response to findings and recommendations by the Auditor and present said report to the Vice President of Administrative Services and the respective Vice President.
The Corrective Action Report guidelines should always be followed. - All audit recommendations are to be resolved and/or complied with in a timely manner, without exception.
The Grant Management System is subject to change, as needed, to maintain a current and highly effective management tool. With this in mind, it is important to check this page for latest update.
- In the event of an internal or external audit, the Grant Project Administrator is to adhere to the following: