Property Control

Property Control

Property (Asset) Control & Inventory

The Fiscal Office, which includes the Receiving and Property Control areas is responsible for the recording of all equipment that is purchased and received by Paradise Valley Community College. The department ensures that all capital and non-capital equipment and goods are accounted for and appropriate records are maintained in compliance with Maricopa Community Colleges, State, and Federal regulations. The department maintains and safeguards the campus assets through:

  • Proper tagging of all equipment and goods that are received on campus.
  • Maintaining records of all tagged equipment in the Financial Management System (FMS). There are three types of tags: copper, silver for capital assets and yellow for non-capital equipment.
  • Conducting an annual inventory of all capital assets. Results are later compared to the data from the Fixed Asset System that is maintained by the District Capital Asset Accounting department.

Surplus Property

When an item is identified as surplus, the college notifies the District Surplus Management office for the purpose of internal redeployment. The following process is established to ensure compliance with approved administrative rules and regulations:

Equipment Transfer/Disposal

The Receiving warehouse must be notified by means of a completed Transfer/Disposal form whenever a capital asset is transferred from one location to another.

When an asset has been destroyed or damaged and is no longer useful, the item needs to be thrown away. The property tag needs to be taken off the item and attached to the Transfer/Disposal form. The Transfer/Disposal form is then sent to the Fiscal Office or Receiving. The item that is being discarded needs to be destroyed so that no one can retrieve it out of the trash and re-use it.

When an item is no longer in working condition, but has components that can be used in other items, the asset is cannibalized. The working parts are removed and the rest needs to be thrown away. The tag needs to be taken off the item and attached to the Transfer/Disposal form. The Transfer/Disposal form is then sent to the Fiscal Office. The item being discarded needs to be destroyed so that no one can retrieve it out of the trash and re-use it. Items not thrown away or cannibalized can be transferred to district as surplus.

Tagging & Inventory

  • The tagging of assets begins when the goods are delivered to the Receiving Dock.  If assets are received directly by the department, then it is the department's responsibility to notify the Receiving Dock.
  • The Property/Receiving Technician verifies the shipment by counting the items delivered and comparing them to the total count appearing on the packing slip.
  • Once the items are verified, tag numbers are issued according to the value and the category of goods received.
  • The tagged information is input into a department-maintained tag database.
  • The information on each tag is linked to the description of the item, category, building, room number, account code, and dollar amount.
  • This information is also entered in FMS and used for safeguarding assets by the District Capital Asset Accounting department.
  • The accuracy of the work at both locations (campus Property Control Department/Receiving and District Office) ensures a minimum of inventory discrepancy.

Equipment/Furniture Moves

  • To move technology equipment, contact the Help Desk at 602-787-7780.
  • To move furniture from one location to another, please submit a Facility Help Desk Ticket. MCCCD Property Tag numbers need to be notated on the Help Desk Ticket if furniture is tagged.
