Fall Freshman Honors Retreat
Every Fall semester, the Honors Program takes 50 new Presidents' Honors Scholarship students to Prescott for an overnight retreat.
This retreat is a great opportunity for students to make connections with their peers and become more involved within the Honors Program.
Transportation and meals are provided.
Honors Explorer Classes

Grand Canyon Explorer Class GPH 298AA
Spend three days exploring northern Arizona with the PVCC honors program! We visit Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monuments, and learn about Arizona's recent volcanic history and its impact on prehistoric cultures. After spending the night on the rim, we hike into Grand Canyon. The hike is strenuous. Students need to be physically prepared. On the hike we go over the basics of Grand Canyon geology and explore in more detail how the canyon formed.

Honors Telescope Safari AST294AB
Join the PVCC Honors Program and professor Jenny N. Weitz as we travel to Flagstaff to explore historic Lowell Observatory, discover the telescopes used for education at NAU, and get hands on with our own telescopes while camping under the stars. No previous astronomy experience is required. These classes provide opportunities for students to explore subjects without the stress of a 3 credit class. Additionally, students get to work in a small group setting with professors in a specific area.

Student Honors Advisory Council (SHAC)
SHAC is the Honors student club run through the Honors department. Through SHAC, students can further enrich their Honors education by engaging in various academic, cultural, and social opportunities. S.H.A.C is a place where friends are made, scholarship opportunities are discovered, skills are developed and good food is served. SHAC events can serve as co-curriculars to meet scholarship requirements and can be activities like Skate Night with Barrett the Honors College at ASU, Ted & Tacos, Debates and Donuts, Lasertag, and Star Parties at the Black Mountain campus. Any honors student at PVCC is welcome to participate.

Leadership Opportunities
The Student Honors Advisory Council is supported by the leadership of five sophomore Honors students. Any current PVCC Honors student is welcome to apply for a leadership position. Leaders are expected to attend all meetings, unless excused by Honors Department staff for legitimate reasons. Also, leaders are expected to attend a Leadership Retreat in June and the annual Honors Retreat in August. This leadership opportunity allows members to help shape the future of PVCC’s Honors Program by serving as a liaison between the Honors faculty and the Honors students. These students leaders get to exercise their leadership skills by facilitating the various events put on by SHAC as well as serve as ambassadors for the Honors program.